Note : The following work above (video) is created for those who are interested in crime drama television series such as CSI and is a parody of the series' opening credits with the purpose of showcasing MTI's artistic talent. Make sure your speakers are connected and the volume is turned on once the video starts to play. Thank you !

Monday, November 19, 2012

Who's Who?

Here we are again, welcome back folks! :)

After some time of investigation, we have successfully collected several evidence which we can finally use to connect the dots!

"Question 5 

Match the photos of the victims’ pieces of evidence, explaining your rationale for doing so. "

Based on our previous episode on deciphering the jaws & skull found, we finally got our hands on the list of potential victims shortlisted by our Forensic Analyst. Aren't you eager to know which belongs to who? Look at that anticipation on your face!

Without further ado, quench your thirst of excitement with the below MTI Goodness!


  1. yeeeaayyy..I could watch the video..both videos are really nice..I like the answer of Q5 video tho', you guys have talent.. :)

  2. thank dr.niekla ! :) really appreciate your comments ! will be looking forward to more of your comments to help us to improve on our blog :)
