Note : The following work above (video) is created for those who are interested in crime drama television series such as CSI and is a parody of the series' opening credits with the purpose of showcasing MTI's artistic talent. Make sure your speakers are connected and the volume is turned on once the video starts to play. Thank you !

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chapter 2 : A Morbid Taste For Bones

Guess you're back sooner that I have expected ! ;)

Hungry for Part 2 of the story? Enjoy your meal ! 

Part II - MURDER Most Brutal!

Dr. Rudi rubbed the back of his head and sighed in distress, “Anything else that would lead us somewhere?”...
“Hmmm..ya, I found some other things within parameter, hope it’ll help, I need to further examine the evidence”. He gathered up the pieces of human skull and pieces of jaws – one was a part of a large jaw bearing five teeth, another,  jaw with some teeth still in eruption and the last, is a piece of jaw bearing three back teeth.

Dr. Rudi walked up to one of his men. “Check the missing persons’ list and cross check the list against missing adults and one child who were reported  a few months of each other sometime back.”

Picture 1: Adult’s skull & jaw

Picture 2: Pieces of a jaw 

Picture 3: Child’s jaw

Now, we have more solid evidences for you! And also, a question ;) Let's try this !

"Question 4

Other than examining the dental aspects provided as evidence, what other ways can the victims be identified?"

Stay tune for the answers in the next post !

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